Shielded VMs: Ensuring Confidentiality and Integrity of Data On GCP

Shielded Vms


The logic behind the shielded VMs in GCP is to secure cloud resources. The issue of Security is paramount in the dynamic landscape of cloud computing. As organizations migrate their workloads to the cloud, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of their data becomes even more critical. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) recognizes this need and offers a robust solution in the form of Shielded VMs. Shielded VMs are designed to provide an additional layer of security, reducing the attack surface and mitigating threats to your virtual machines. We are now aware of the logic behind Shielded VMs in GCP, we shall also examine their key features, benefits, and how they contribute to enhancing the security of your cloud infrastructure.

What are Shielded VMs?

Shielded VMs are virtual machines in GCP that are specially configured to protect against rootkits and boot-level malware. They are created to offer a higher level of security compared to regular VMs by leveraging a combination of hardware and software-based security measures. These measures are designed to protect the integrity and confidentiality of your VMs, particularly during the boot process.

Furthermore, Shielded VMs are virtual machines (VMs) on Google Cloud fortified by a set of security controls that help defend against rootkits and exfiltration. The use of Shielded VMs on GCP helps protect organization workloads from threats like remote attacks, privilege escalation, and malicious insiders. 

What is a Shielded Coordination?

Shielded VMs are the first offering in the shielded coordination. Shielded coordination provides a more secure foundation for all of GCP by providing verifiable integrity and offering features like the vTPM shielding and ceiling that help prevent data accentuation. However, to use the Shielded VMs feature you have to select the Machine Image.

Some Key Features of Shielded VMs

Shielded VMs offer veritable integrity to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) which includes;

  1. Secure Boot Process: Shielded VMs use a secure boot process that verifies the digital signatures of each component of the boot sequence, from firmware to the OS kernel. This ensures that only trusted code is executed during startup, reducing the risk of boot-level attacks.
  2. vTPM (Virtual Trusted Platform Module): Shielded VMs include a virtual TPM, which is a hardware-based security feature that helps protect encryption keys and certificates. This enhances the security of data at rest and ensures that cryptographic operations are performed securely within the VM.
  3. Measured Boot: During the boot process, Shielded VMs create a cryptographic measurement of each component loaded into memory. These measurements are stored securely and can be used for attestation and monitoring purposes to detect any unauthorized changes.
  4. Integrity Monitoring: Shielded VMs include integrity monitoring features that continuously monitor the VM’s runtime state. If any unauthorized modifications are detected, you can receive alerts and take appropriate actions to remediate the issue.

Now that we’ve covered the key features of Shielded machines, let’s explore the logic behind them and why they are essential for cloud security.

Why Shielded VMs is Essential for Cloud Security

  • Protection Against Rootkits and Malware

Basically, they are designed to protect against rootkits and malware that target the boot process of virtual machines. The traditional VMs are vulnerable to these types of attacks because they lack the necessary safeguards to ensure the integrity of the boot process. Shielded Virtual machines, on the other hand, use secure boot and vTPM to prevent unauthorized code from executing during startup. This reduces the risk of boot-level attacks, ensuring that your VMs start in a known and secure state.

  • Attestation and Provenance

One key advantage of Shielded virtual machines is their ability to provide attestation and provenance information. Attestation allows you to verify the integrity of a VM by checking its measurements against a trusted baseline. Provenance, on the other hand, provides a history of the VM’s boot and runtime state changes.

This logic behind Shielded virtual machines is crucial for security and compliance purposes. By having a reliable attestation and provenance mechanism, you can demonstrate to auditors and regulators that your VMs have not been tampered with and are running in a secure state. This is especially important in highly regulated industries such as finance and healthcare.

  • Continuous Monitoring and Detection

Another critical aspect of the logic behind Shielded virtual machines is their ability to continuously monitor the VM’s runtime state and detect any unauthorized changes. This is achieved through integrity monitoring, which checks the cryptographic measurements of the VM’s components against a trusted baseline.

If an unauthorized change is detected, you can take immediate action to investigate and remediate the issue. This proactive approach to security helps you identify and respond to threats quickly, reducing the potential impact of security incidents.

  • Enhanced Data Security

Shielded VMs also contribute to enhanced data security. The inclusion of vTPM ensures that encryption keys and certificates are protected within the VM. This is essential for securing data at rest and ensuring that cryptographic operations are performed securely.

In a multi-tenant cloud environment, where multiple virtual machines share the same physical infrastructure, protecting encryption keys and certificates is crucial to prevent data leakage and unauthorized access. Shielded virtual machines provide a robust solution to this problem.

  • Assurance and Trust

Ultimately, the logic behind Shielded VMs is to provide assurance and trust in the security of your virtual machines. By implementing secure boot, vTPM, measured boot, and integrity monitoring, GCP offers a strong security foundation for your workloads.

As organizations increasingly rely on the cloud for critical business operations, they need assurance that their cloud infrastructure is secure and that their data is protected. Shielded VMs give you that assurance, allowing you to focus on your core business while GCP takes care of the security aspects.

Benefits of Shielded VMs

Here we highlight some of the key benefits Shielded VMs offer, which include:

  1. Enhanced Security: Shielded VMs provide a higher level of security by protecting against rootkits, malware, and unauthorized changes to the boot process.
  2. Compliance: Shielded VMs help organizations meet regulatory compliance requirements by providing attestation and provenance information.
  3. Quick Detection and Response: The continuous monitoring and detection capabilities of Shielded VMs enable rapid response to security incidents.
  4. Data Protection: Shielded VMs enhance data security by safeguarding encryption keys and certificates within the VM.
  5. Trust and Assurance: They provide assurance and trust in the security of your cloud infrastructure, giving you peace of mind.

How to Create Shielded VMs on the Google Cloud Platform

Note: You should have a GCP project with billing enabled, and you also need to have the appropriate permissions to create VM instances.

  1. Open the Google Cloud Console: Go to the Google Cloud Console.
  2. Select or Create a Project: You can either select an existing project or create a new one.
  3. Enable the Compute Engine API: In your project, make sure the Compute Engine API is enabled. You can do this by going to “APIs & Services” > “Library” and searching for “Compute Engine API.” Enable it if it’s not already enabled.
  4. Create a Shielded VM Instance: In the Cloud Console, navigate to “Compute Engine” > “VM instances.”
  5. Click “Create Instance”:
    1. Provide a name for your instance.
    1. Choose a region and zone where your instance will be located.
    1. Configure your instance with the desired machine type, boot disk, and additional settings.
  6. Enable Shielded VM Protection: In the “Boot disk” section, you should see an option for “Security” or “Shielded VM.” Click on it.
    1. Enable “Shielded VM.”
  7. Configure Other VM Settings: Continue configuring other settings for your VM, such as network settings, tags, and any startup scripts as needed.
  8. Click “Create”: Once you have configured your VM to your requirements, click the “Create” button to create the shielded VM instance.
  9. Wait for the Instance to Start: Your shielded VM instance will take a few moments to start up.
  10. Access Your Shielded VM: Once the VM is running, you can SSH into it or access it through other means as needed.

Please note that you may need to configure other security settings, such as firewall rules and IAM permissions, to properly secure your shielded VM and control access to it. Also, note that the GCP services and interfaces are subject to changes so I recommend checking the latest GCP documentation on Shielded VMs for any such changes or additional features.


Shielded VMs in Google Cloud Platform stand as a robust and logical solution to protect your virtual machines from rootkits, malware, and unauthorized changes in the ever-changing world of cloud security. By implementing secure boot, vTPM, measured boot, and integrity monitoring, Shielded VMs offer enhanced security, compliance capabilities, and trust in your cloud infrastructure.

As more and more organizations continue to embrace the cloud for their workloads, the importance of security cannot be overstated. Shielded VMs play a crucial role in ensuring that your cloud-based applications and data remain secure, allowing you to focus on innovation and growth while GCP takes care of the security aspects. So, the next time you consider deploying virtual machines in Google Cloud, think about Shielded VMs and the peace of mind they bring to your cloud security strategy.

Preemptible VMs: A Fascinating Google Cloud Solution.

preemptible Vms

Preemptible VMs have emerged as a fascinating cloud solution that offers unique advantages for users and organizations in the GCP. They are ephemeral instances, designed to be highly cost-effective, and serve various purposes by making use of otherwise unused computing resources. In this article, we will explore the world of preemptible VMs, to understand their key features, and showcase how we can take advantage of them in our everyday scenarios.

What is a Preemptible VM?

Preemptible VMs are a type of virtual machine offered by the GCP that come with a crucial twist – they can be interrupted or preempted by the GCP with short notice. This characteristic of the preemptible VMs might seem counterintuitive initially, as traditional VMs guarantee constant cloud service availability. However, preemptible VMs are designed for workloads that can handle interruptions and can be completed within a certain timeframe. This unique feature allows GCP users to utilize their spare computing capacity efficiently.

Advantages of Preemptible VMs

  1. It is Cost Efficient: Cost-effectiveness is one of the most significant advantages of preemptible VMs. The Google Cloud Platform allows the cloud user to use idle resources that would otherwise go to waste, thus giving users access to computing power at a significantly reduced price. This makes them an attractive option for tasks that are not time-sensitive and can be executed during off-peak hours. By using a preemptible virtual machine you give the compute Engine permission to terminate if its resources are needed elsewhere.
  • Scalability and Bursting: Preemptible VMs provide an excellent solution for applications that experience an occasional surge in demand. Instead of provisioning and paying for resources that remain underutilized most of the time, users can deploy preemptible VMs during peak periods, effectively managing scalability without breaking the bank. You can create preemptible virtual machines in a managed instance group. Make sure you specify the preemptible option in the instance template before creating or updating the group. This helps in scaling down or scaling out preemptible VMs as the need arises.
  • Parallel Processing and Batch Jobs: Another benefit of Preemptible VMs is that they can divide cloud tasks into smaller tasks that are executed in parallel to one another. These instances can be spun up to handle individual tasks, and even if some get preempted, the overall job can still be completed within the desired timeframe due to the parallel nature of the execution.
  • Data Analysis and Research: Researchers and data analysts often require significant computing power for their experiments and simulations. Preemptible VMs allow them to access this power at a fraction of the cost, enabling quicker iterations and exploration of different scenarios.
  • Non-Critical Workloads: Certain tasks, like rendering a video or running non-essential background processes, don’t need to be performed on a continuous basis. Preemptible VMs are an ideal solution for such workloads, as their interruption wouldn’t significantly impact the final outcome.

Features of Preemptible VMs

  1. Fixed Time Window: Preemptible VMs are allocated for a predetermined timeframe, usually ranging from minutes to hours. This is the time a shutdown script initiates. After this allotted time, they can be preempted by the GCP. Hence, users need to design their cloud workloads to complete within this timeframe.
  • Low Cost: Choosing a preemptible VM helps you save money. The pricing for preemptible Virtual machines is substantially lower than that of regular, non-preemptible instances. Lower price, up to 91%, for interruptible services makes them particularly attractive for cost-conscious users and organizations.
  • Resource Availability: Preemptible VMs become available when there is spare capacity in the cloud provider’s data centers. This availability is not guaranteed and can fluctuate based on the provider’s overall usage. You can request that the CPU quota for the region be split between regular and Preemptible VMs. By default, preemptible VMs count against regions.
  • Termination Notice: When a preemptible VM is to be preempted, the cloud provider sends a termination notice, usually a few minutes in advance. This allows users to wrap up ongoing tasks and save their work before the interruption. VM may be terminated at any time, with no charge if terminated in the first minute. It has a maximum of 24 hours lifespan and requires 30 seconds to terminate the warning but not guaranteed.
  • No Live Migration: There is no live migration, no auto restart. Unlike regular VMs that might be live-migrated to different physical hosts, preemptible VMs are terminated and restarted elsewhere in case of preemption. This means that any data stored locally within the VM is lost, and users need to design their applications accordingly.

To make the concept of preemptible VMs more relatable, let’s draw parallels with an everyday scenario

Imagine you’re using a ride-sharing app to get to work. Preemptible VMs are like shared rides that are much cheaper than dedicated taxis. However, they might be subject to sudden changes – if another rider wants a ride on the same route urgently, the shared ride might be interrupted and you’ll need to wait for another one. But if you’re not in a hurry, this cost-effective option is perfect.


Preemptible Virtual Machines offer a fascinating perspective on Google Cloud if you are looking for a way to save money. They are a good option to consider, it is very important to know if your workloads are able to handle interruptions before you use preemptible VMs. The preemptible virtual machine is a cloud computing service that aligns with cost-effective resource utilization. By understanding their advantages, features, and real-life analogies, users and organizations can harness their potential for various workloads.

Interestingly, whatever your workload might be, whether it’s rendering a video, performing data analysis, or handling periodic surges in demand, preemptible VMs provide an economical solution that encourages efficient resource consumption and scalability. Much more it give cloud user the ability to choose between affordability and sustained availability.

VM Access and Lifecycle: A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering the GCP.

vm access and lifecycle

A Knowledge of VM Access and lifecycle is imperative in your cloud computing journey. Since Virtual Machine (VMs) a core cloud vital has effectively changed the way we manage cloud resources and deploy applications. VMs can allow multiple operating systems to run on a single physical machine, providing enhanced flexibility, resource utilization, and isolation. This article is about the various ways to access VMs and understand the lifecycles, to help you grasp the concept of VM Access and lifecycle more effectively an illustrative diagram is included in this post.

Types of VM Access and Lifecycle

VM access and lifecycle hold the key to efficient and flexible cloud computing. Let’s look at the way to access the virtual machine and explore the lifecycle.

Remote Access

Remote access to a virtual machine refers to the ability to connect and interact with a VM from a remote location. This is particularly useful for administrators, developers, and users who need to manage or use a VM without being physically present at the host machine. There are different ways to achieve remote access to a GCP VM:

  • Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP): RDP is commonly used for Windows-based VMs, it allows users to connect to the VM’s desktop interface. Requirements include RDP clients, a PowerShell terminal, it requires the setting of the window password, and a firewall rule to allow tcp:3389
  • SSH (Secure Shell): Primarily used in Linux and Unix environments, SSH provides secure remote access to a VM’s command-line interface. It’s widely favored for its encryption capabilities. This includes SSH from the GCP console and cloudShell via Cloud SDK. SSH from a computer or third-party client, and this requires you to generate key pair, and firewall rule to allow tcp:22
  • Web-based Interfaces: Some virtualization platforms offer web-based interfaces that allow users to access and manage VMs through a browser. These interfaces often provide a graphical representation of the VM’s desktop.

Virtual Machine Lifecycle

The lifecycle of a virtual machine consists of several stages that span from creation or provisioning to termination. Understanding this lifecycle is crucial for effective VM management and resource utilization.

  1. Provisioning:
    The VM lifecycle begins with the creation and provisioning of a virtual machine. During this stage, administrators define the VM’s hardware specifications, such as the number of CPUs, amount of RAM, storage size, and network settings. Once configured, the VM’s operating system and required applications are installed.

2. Staging:
After the initial setup, the VM is deployed onto a hypervisor or virtualization platform. This deployment can be local, where the VM resides on a physical machine, or remote, where it’s hosted on a cloud infrastructure. The deployment process involves associating the VM with specific hardware resources and networking configurations.

Once the VM is deployed, it’s configured according to its intended purpose. This involves installing software, applying security settings, configuring network connections, and optimizing performance parameters. Configuration management tools can streamline and automate this process, ensuring consistency across multiple VMs.

3. Running:
During this phase, the VM is actively running and performing its designated tasks. Administrators and monitoring tools keep a close watch on the VM’s performance, resource usage, and overall health. Monitoring helps identify potential issues and ensures optimal utilization of resources. As demands on the VM change, it might be necessary to scale its resources. Regular backups are essential at this phase to safeguard VM data against hardware failures, data corruption, or accidental deletion. Backup strategies can involve creating snapshots of the VM’s state at specific points in time or replicating VM data to remote locations.

In case of a failure, these backups facilitate quick recovery. VM migration involves moving a VM from one host or data center to another. This can be done for various reasons, such as load balancing, hardware maintenance, or data center consolidation. Live migration allows VMs to be moved without interrupting their operation, ensuring minimal downtime.

4. Stopping of Shutdown: When a VM is no longer needed or becomes obsolete, it’s stopped or shut down. This involves de-provisioning its resources, removing it from the virtualization platform, and potentially archiving its data. Proper shutdown processes are crucial for optimizing resource usage and maintaining a well-organized virtual environment.

VM Lifecycle in Diagram

vm access and lifecycle
Cloudtek: VM Access and Lifecycle

Changing VM State from Running

RestConsole, gcloud, API, OSNoRemains running
RestartConsole, gcloud, API, OSNoTerminated -> Running
RebootOS: Sudo reboot~ 90 secRunning -> Running
StopConsole, gcloud, API,~ 90 secRunning -> Terminated
ShutdownOS: Sudo Shutdown~ 90 secRunning -> Terminated
DeleteConsole, gcloud, API,~ 90 secRunning -> N/A
PreemptionAutomatic~ 30 secN/A (“ACPI Power Off”)
Cloudtek: VM Access and Lifecycle


In conclusion, VM access and lifecycle management are fundamental concepts for anyone working with virtualization technologies. Different types of access methods, such as remote and console access, provide avenues for interaction with VMs while understanding the VM lifecycle ensures efficient resource usage and effective management. As cloud technology continues to evolve, grasping these concepts of VM access and lifecycle will become increasingly valuable for businesses and individuals alike. Hope you grasp some knowledge about VM access and lifecycle. Join me in my next article as you continue to … follow the cloud.
