How to Create a VM on Google Cloud Platform: 10 Simple Steps.

How to create a VM on GCP is one of the basics of the Google Cloud platform. Virtual machines (VMs) play a crucial role in delivering scalable and flexible computing resources in cloud infrastructure.  A Virtual machine (VM) is created through the compute Engine. It consists of a virtual CPU, some amount of memory, disk surge, and an IP address

Basically, there are ways on how to create a VM through the compute Engine on the Google Cloud Platform. And also through the command-line interface including CloudShell, for example: $ gcloud compute instance create (instance-name). You can also create the VM from REST API with many VM options like project, region, zone, subnetwork, machine type, Disk options, IP region. The main components of a Virtual Machine (VM) are;
1. CPU
2. Memory
3. Disk
4. Network

Virtual machines are defined based on these main components. Virtual Machines are also defined according to machine type. First, is the Predefined machine Types, This is the ratio of GB of memory per CPU. Predefined machine types include;

  • Standard
  • High Memory
  • High-CPU
  • Memory Optimize
  • Computer Optimize
  • Shared-Core
    The second is the Custom Machine types. By choosing Custom machine type you will have to specify the amount of memory and number of vCPUs. Each virtual machine comes in various sizes and specifications allowing cloud users to choose the best VM that matches the workload, speed, compute intensiveness, storage, capacity, and networking capabilities. For instance, VMs offer different numbers of virtual CPUs (vCPUs), which determine the processing power allocated to the VM. This can range from single-core VMs for lightweight tasks to multi-core VMs for resource-intensive applications. The Smallest type is the micro VM which shares a CPU with other VMs

How to Create a VM on GCP. 10 simple steps.

These are 10 simple steps on how to create a VM on the GCP.

  1. Step One: Navigate the GCP Menu on the left-hand side of the Google Platform. you can access the GCP from here.
  2. Step Two: Scroll down the menu to Compute Engine and place your cursor.
  3. Step Three: Click on the VM Instances on the dialogue box that pops up on the right
  4. Step Four: Click ‘Create’
  5. Step Five: Specify the following values, and leave the remaining settings as their default
    Name – (Give your VM a name)
    Region – (Select a region eg US-Central1)
    Zone – (Select a zone eg US-Central1-a)
    Choose a Machine type( Note that cost is adjusted based on region and machine type selected)
    – Boot Disk – (Select a boot image eg Debian GNU/Linux9(Stretch)
    – Identity and API – (Click on Access, then Access Scopes to set Access for each API)
    Storage – (Select – read-write)
  6. Step Six: Click Management, Security, Disks, Networking
  7. Step Seven: Click on Disks, then on ‘Add new Disk’ (to add more disks to be used eg for game storage if there is a need)
  8. Step Eight: Specify the following values and leave the remaining settings as their default
    – Name – (name your new disk)
    – Disk type – (select a disk type eg SSD Persistent Disk)
    – Source type – ( select ‘None'(Blank disk)
    – Size(GB) – (select the size in GB eg 50GB
    – Encryption – (Choose encryption to secure your data eg Google-Managed Key)
    Click done – ( this action will create the disk and automatically attach it to the VM when the VM is created)
  9. Step Nine: Click on ‘Network details interface’ to choose your network.
  10. Step Ten: Click ‘Done’ and wait a few minutes for your VM to be created. Once it is created you will see a notification that your VM has been successfully created


Congratulations, on learning how to create a VM on GCP. This will help you in working with the Google Cloud infrastructures as a Virtual machine is a core cloud vital. This will empower you to adapt effectively to the rapidly changing demands of cloud technology. Whether you are running standard applications, diving into complex simulations, or processing vast amounts of data, learning how to create virtual machines in the cloud will boost your confidence in working with the GCP on your cloud computing journey.

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